Monday, August 17, 2009

Judging is a personal preference.. personal preference as in the way they are being raised by their parents, their surrounding society, atmosphere, friends.. etc.. you decide.. 
  As a human being, we learn whats right and whats wrong, we learn about different cultures, religions, beliefs... we compare them with ours, then we judge...  so WHY do we judge ? 
Judging is critical, we judge because we want to give our opinions, we judge because we "care" , well thats what we say we do, right? 

We as people care about our loved ones, family, friends, and we tend to judge them because we want what is best for them, but judging can get out of hand sometimes,,, in our society, MOST of the time! 

Here, we judge people based on looks, family names, power aka "money", popularity but i guess that comes with the power category. Sadly, its rare to find not judgmental people, because everyone would think, oh yeah, a person who doesn't judge you doesn't care for you! or he/she practically don't really think that dear of you! 

Hmm.. do you agree ? I personally, judge.. I do.. and i get out of hand sometimes but between me and my rotten brain, i NEVER give out wrong impressions or judgements on people based on MY opinion.. i simply see it as sad and immature. 

Plus, minding YOUR own business is another topic... most people love gossiping, drama, and event making... they love seeing reactions, and analyzing what or how that person would react in a certain situation! It can be lies, scams, and nonsense,,,, but lets assume SOME or maybe MOST of these things happen to be true... is the person himself or are the events destroying your life? Do they happen to make war in the world? Do they give you a hard time living your life? If the answer to one of these questions is a yes, and truly yes, then judge! go ahead and JUDGE! If ironically, the answers to these questions are a NO, then mind your own business and don't ruin theirs, because they are surprisingly not affecting YOU or your family in ANY way.

Judgements? are they the right way to see people or certain situations? i'll leave that for you to debate, either with yourself, your friends, or simply here with me :D 


  1. well i see it as part of our culture "6al3ay shino labsa" "shda3wa 3alaik enasfa" sar 3adi we comment and judge 3ala ay shay based on family name o even meno enmashi.
    yeah and the new thingy judgin by political views hehehe .. for me yes i judge bas 7asab el-ensan nafsa o tasarofata mo 3ala shay thani and i hate to be judged or pointed at everytime because it annoys me ;|

  2. you know whats funny? YOU tend to judge people, but u NEVER judge urself! this is the hypocritical part.... and why do we keep on saying that its "part of our culture" ? why dont we TRY or attempt to slowly change it? you might say that its a difficult task, but why not try with ourselves, then we progress in changing people, or making them aware of what they're doing or the way they're thinking is completely lunatic!

  3. as simple as this:
    judgment in our culture sar kind of opinion part of e6naza and half of describtion so its mixed in us .. well yeah i try judgin myself bas mo 3ala kil shay ya3ni the way i behave akeed i judge bas wut do i wear eat drink cheer follow its my own business .. its too hard to make ppl change specially us kuwiaties mo mit3awdeen 3al taghyeer we need time to adapt
